The generous contributions of corporations and foundations allows SJPC to strengthen families at risk of child abuse and neglect through comprehensive education and targeted support.
SJPC’s work with these families provides the critical support needed to protect children from abuse and neglect.
Without our partners, this work would not be possible.
At SJPC we are always looking for like-minded partners who share our vision of giving back to the community.
We consider partnership to be so much more than sponsorship; it’s reciprocal, it’s valued by both, and it has shared aims and goals.
If, like many businesses, you are looking for meaningful ways to give back, engage staff and build stronger connections with customers and communities, we are the right fit for you!
Talk with us today about how your business can help change the lives of the over 1700 families we have, and continue to, work with!
If you are interested in discussing ways a partnership with SJPC add value to your business, then contact us now.