City of Stamford Community Development Block Grant under US Department of Housing and Urban Development- $20,000 grant(Dec 2022) award to SJPC
The City of Stamford is designated a federal entitlement city under the U.S. Department of Housing andUrban Development (HUD) and annually receives grant funds for the Community Development BlockGrant (CDBG) and HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME). The City works to provide safe,decent and affordable housing, a suitable living environment and economic opportunities especially forlow- to […]
SJPC Appears in Letters To The Editor
SJPC was featured in the “Letters to the Editor” section of the Ridgefield Press. Board member, Kate Jacullo, thanks the Ridgefield community for making our Benefit Dinner such a success. She also informs the community of our exciting opening of our center in Danbury, CT due to the success of the Stamford, CT location. Click […]
Leading with Compassion
3-year old Nicolas was at risk of being brought back into the care of the Department for the second time. Perhaps the last chance to prevent this traumatic experience would be for his father Nelson to participate in a considered removal meeting in the Norwalk Office. Nelson made his presence known. The Department was impressed […]